My name is WIlliam Haddox,
I have always had a fascination with anything space related, and always pondered the question, Are We Alone?.
So I started to do some research on that subject and found out the more I understood the more questions there were.
I know that my state of Ohio and more specifically my county Pickaway has had its share of unexplained phenomenon over the years (The most for the entire state) and it still continues to this day.
After checking online I found out there are not too many places that one can report these events so many are never known for that very reason, and that led me to start the Central Ohio UFO Reporting Center. So people from the area will have a place to report these strange events in hope of getting an answer.
You do not need to be from the area to send in a report I will still do the best I can from here to give you the best answer possible
No personal information will ever be shared witness can remain 100% anonymous, with permission I may make a youtube video on the case to see if any other witness comes forward but as stated no personal information will be shared.
Thanks for your interest in my research. Get in touch with me with any questions or comments regarding me or my work . I’d love to hear from you.